Check out our packages:

Gold Package

  • 4 applications of fertilizer ( 6-9 weeks apart)
  • Crabgrass control
  • Grub Control
  • Surface feeder insect control
  • Lime application early summer to help build heat stress tolerance
  • Broadleaf weed spraying at time of applications

Silver Package

  • 4 applications of fertilizer ( 6-9 weeks apart)
  • Crabgrass control
  • Grub Control
  • Broadleaf weed spraying at time of applications

Bronze Package

  • 2 applications of fertilizer (spring and fall)
  • Crabgrass control
  • Broadleaf weed spraying at time of applications (spring and fall)

Core Aeration

Core aeration is the mechanical process by which we remove small cores from the turf. This will provide small holes in the lawn to allow for better air, water and nutrient penetration to the grass root system. Core aeration will help reduce soil compaction, which allows roots to naturally spread, providing a thick turf. We highly recommend doing this every year.

Benefits of core aeration:

  • Aeration will improve air and water movement through the soil.
  • Aeration will help roots grow deeper, which provides a stronger healthy grass plant.
  • Aeration will help reduce thatch. Excessive thatch in a lawn will prevent nutrients and water from getting down to the roots.
  • Aeration will help reduce soil compaction.
  • Aeration is a natural way to help provide a thick healthy turf, thus preventing weeds and crabgrass from germinating.


Overseeding is done at the same time as the core aeration to naturally thicken a lawn with new and improved grass types. Overseeding at the time of aeration will significantly improve germination results.

Benefits of overseeding:

  • Overseeding will introduce better varieties of grass into your lawn. We pride ourselves in using only A-LIST varities of grass.
  • Overseeding will improve overall appearance of your lawn.
  • Overseeding will reduce the risk of insects and diseases by introducing more tolerant grass species. A healthy lawn is your best defense from invasive pests and disease.
  • Overseeding will increase thickness of lawn, thus preventing ugly, broadleaf weeds from germinating.


Benefits of lime include:

  • Soil pH correction
  • Flushing out soil bound nutrients such as phosphorus
  • Improving soil microbial activity which can aid in natural thatch decomposition
  • Thicken plant cell walls for improved stress tolerance

Please note, lime isn't great at getting rid of moss. The amount of lime it takes to kill moss alters the soil pH so drastically that it also harms the turfgrass.

Athletic Field Maintenance

Specialty Applications

  • Custom applications for you specific needs